"> the winter soldier - A Tipsy Giraffe

Bucky Barnes Cocktail (The Brooklyn Cocktail) – Marvel Cocktail Series

The Bucky Barnes Brooklyn Cocktail is the next instalment of my Marvel Cocktails Series. Bucky’s cocktail is the classic Brooklyn, an old classic that’s made a big comeback. The Brooklyn Cocktail is a delicious blend of rye whiskey, extra dry vermouth, and maraschino liqueur, it has a smooth, dry bite that will keep you coming back for more. Just like Bucky, it is less popular than it’s well known counterpart (i.e. Manhattan/Captain America) but it’s just as worth bringing back!

The Bucky Barnes Brooklyn Cocktail is the next instalment of my Marvel Cocktails Series. Bucky's cocktail is the classic Brooklyn, an old timer that's made a big comeback. The Brooklyn Cocktail is a delicious blend of rye whiskey, extra dry vermouth, maraschino liqueur and bitters, it has a smooth, dry bite that will keep you coming back for more. Just like Bucky, it is less popular than it's well known counterpart (i.e. Manhattan/Captain America) but it's just as worth bringing back!

Bucky Barnes, where do I start?! Bucky (aka The Winter Soldier) is probably my all time favourite Marvel character. He’s just a kid from Brooklyn with greatness inside him, a greatness not even he could see, and this is true whether you’re looking at comic Bucky or MCU Bucky. Let’s look at MCU Bucky though, because I  love the arc The Russo brothers gave him and how he was depicted. Bucky, a kid from Brooklyn, grew up taking care of his chronically sick best friend who was more like a brother, and while Bucky may have been physically stronger than Steve, Bucky always saw a greatness in Steve and knew he was capable of amazing things.


The Bucky Barnes Brooklyn Cocktail is the next instalment of my Marvel Cocktails Series. Bucky's cocktail is the classic Brooklyn, an old timer that's made a big comeback. The Brooklyn Cocktail is a delicious blend of rye whiskey, extra dry vermouth, maraschino liqueur and bitters, it has a smooth, dry bite that will keep you coming back for more. Just like Bucky, it is less popular than it's well known counterpart (i.e. Manhattan/Captain America) but it's just as worth bringing back!

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