"> long island iced tea - A Tipsy Giraffe

Very Cherry Long Island Iced Tea

The classic, top shelf cocktail with a new cherry twist! This delicious favourite is quick and easy to make, with fresh or frozen cherries, perfect for entertaining this summer

Very Cherry Long Island Iced Tea - The classic, top shelf cocktail with a new cherry twist! This delicious favourite is quick and easy to make, with fresh cherries, perfect for entertaining this summer

black forest milkshake

This spiked black forest milkshake is one of my favourite ways to enjoy cherries and chocolate

Cherries really are the perfect summer fruit, so sweet and juicy – they’re perfect to snack on during the hot summer days. I always forget how much I love cherries until the season rolls around and then I can’t get enough of them! I love putting cherries in things, especially when combined with chocolate, but I don’t appreciate the delicious cherry flavour by itself enough. So, imagine my delight when I was walking the dogs in our local, public field and came across a cherry tree – full of ripe, juicy cherries! I was very excited, and after confirming with myself that they were in fact cherries and I wasn’t about to nightlock myself, I picked a nice bag full (leaving plenty for other dog walkers, and the birds!). They were so good just on their own, but I knew I wanted to put them in something where the wild cherry flavour could shine! I must have been on weekend mode, because a cocktail was my first idea! And a cocktail is always the best idea, in my book!

Very Cherry Long Island Iced Tea - The classic, top shelf cocktail with a new cherry twist! This delicious favourite is quick and easy to make, with fresh cherries, perfect for entertaining this summer Continue reading →