"> banoffee - A Tipsy Giraffe

Banana and Salted Caramel Banoffee Galette

A sinfully indulgent rustic free-form tart. Chocolately pastry is home to sweet bananas and salted caramel, topped with fresh whipped cream and grated chocolate. So simple to make with 5 minute caramel sauce, you won’t regret making this Banana and Salted Caramel Galette!

Banana and Salted Caramel Banoffee Galettes - A sinfully indulgent rustic free-form tart. Chocolately pastry is home to sweet bananas and salted caramel, topped with fresh whipped cream and grated chocolate. So simple to make with 5 minute caramel sauce, you won't regret making this!

Happy Monday! I can say that with sincerity too, because how can you have the Monday blues when something as delicious as these Banana and Salted Caramel Banofee Galettes exist and you literally have the recipe at your finger tips? It’s also the second installment of Yum of the Month, so I’m in a pretty good mood! The theme this month is, you guessed, it galettes! A Galette is basically a free form pie, all the goodness of pie without the need for a dish – you just roll the pastry out, pile on your filling and then fold the edges over. It creates an easy, rustic looking pie. Totally cute and totally delicious – I love them! How about you?

Banana and Salted Caramel Banoffee Galettes - A sinfully indulgent rustic free-form tart. Chocolately pastry is home to sweet bananas and salted caramel, topped with fresh whipped cream and grated chocolate. So simple to make with 5 minute caramel sauce, you won't regret making this!

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Banoffee Muffins

Insanely delicious and moist, these Banoffee Muffins are full of yummy banana and sweet toffee flavour – with perfect high muffin tops

Banoffee Muffins

I love smooshing words together to make one new word, which is probably why I say y’all every other sentence even though I’m painfully English! For those of you who don’t know what banoffee is – first of all, I’m sorry, because that means you’ve never had the heavenly experience of banoffee pie! Banoffee is a combination of Banana and Toffee, banoffee pie is a no bake pie with toffee, fresh bananas and whipped cream and it’s to die for. I actually have a recipe for it that I posted last year. This year though I decided banoffee would be an amazing muffin flavour and boy was I right! 

Banoffee Muffins

It’s no secret that I like to buy bunches of bananas and leave them in the fruit bowl to go brown so I can bake with them – I don’t actually like eating bananas by themselves. So I had 4 bananas getting very, very brown and I had to decide what to do with them, my first thought was chocolate banana ice cream and these muffins. I made the chocolate banana ice cream first and while it was it was delicious I couldn’t stop thinking about this muffin idea! Especially since I had a bag of Heath Toffee Bits that I brought back from America with me that would be perfect for them. So out to buy more bananas I went – supermarkets should really have a section of very ripe bananas so I don’t have to play the waiting game! I mean, they sell still green ones so why not already brown ones?!

Banoffee Muffins

These muffins were totally worth the wait though. The little bits of toffee melt into the muffin making them indescribably moist and bursting with sweetness all over. The toffee is perfectly balanced with the amazing banana flavour in every bite, the two flavours really do compliment each other in the best way. And while these muffins are incredibly moist, they’re not too dense or heavy, they have the perfect muffin texture with high, chewy muffins tops. There are also semi sweet chocolate chips dispersed throughout, to cut through the sweetness of the banana and toffee and also because I like my banoffee pie with a tad of chocolate (just the way I like life too!).

Banoffee Muffins

And don’t just take my word on how good these muffins are. My mum’s work colleagues are my willing taste testers and one of them referred to these muffins as “stunning and better than sex”, which is a pretty good testimonial in my book! So trust us on this one, make these muffins and everybody who tries them will be your new best friend – got your eye on a promotion at work? Pop a basket of these muffins on your boss’s desk and you’re a shoe-in…. not that I’m advocating bribery (nothing wrong with a little buttering up though, hey?). 

Banoffee Muffins

The one and only downside to these muffins is you can’t buy Heath Toffee Bits in the UK, so I’m waiting on the best friend to mail me over a few bags so I can make these again. In the mean time though I might try experimenting with toffee products I can get here in the UK, or perhaps I’ll try making my own toffee crunch. If you can’t get Heath Toffee Bits where you live and you decide to experiment with other things (which I highly encourage, even if they don’t come out perfect I’m willing to bet the experiments will still be delicious!) please do let me know how it turned out. And hey, if the makers of Heath Toffee want to send me some Toffee Bits they’d be very warmly received -wink wink-

Banoffee Muffins

A muffin isn’t a muffin with a nice high, chewy top so I can’t ever post a recipe for muffins without including how I make sure I always get one – the secret is to fill the muffin cases or holes to the top and baking on a higher temperature for the first ten minutes of baking. Because of all the moistening factors in these muffins I used bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and vinegar as my leavening agent so they wouldn’t end up too dense, it really gives them a great lift. 

Banoffee Muffins

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Banoffee Muffins
Yields 12
Insanely delicious and moist, these banoffee muffins are bursting with sweet toffee and banana flavour.
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  1. 220g plain flour (all purpose)
  2. 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  3. 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
  4. 1 bag of Heath Toffee Bits (8oz/225g)
  5. 200g semi-sweet chocolate chips
  6. 4 very ripe bananas
  7. 125ml Vegetable oil
  8. 1 tbsp white vinegar
  9. 2 large eggs
  10. 100g brown sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 230C/450F. Line a 12 hole muffin tray with papers.
  2. Add the flour, cinnamon and bicarb to a bowl and whisk to combine. Remove 1 tbsp and put in medium bowl. Set both aside.
  3. Mash the bananas in a large bowl (you can also put them in blender if you want them smooth, I like a few small lumps in mine).
  4. Beat in the oil and vinegar until combined.
  5. Add the eggs one at a time and beat to combine.
  6. Add sugar and beat to combine.
  7. Add flour (not reserved 1 tbsp) and gently beat until just combined (do not overmix).
  8. Remove 1-2 tbsp of the toffee bits and set aside, add the remaining toffee bits and chocolate chips to the bowl with the 1tbsp flour mixture and stir to coat (this helps stop them all sinking to the bottom of the muffins)
  9. Gently stir the toffee bits and chocolate chips into the muffin batter by hand until evenly dispersed.
  10. Spoon batter into muffin papers, up to the top. Sprinkle the tops with the reserved 1-2 tbsp of toffee bits.
  11. Bake for 10 minutes at 230C/450F. Without opening the oven door, turn the oven down to 200C/400F and bake for a further 10-15 minutes, until muffins are golden brown and skewer comes out without wet batter.
  12. Cool in tray for 5 minutes, then transfer to wire rack.
  13. Yummy served warm or cooled
  1. It's important not to over mix the batter, the less you mix it the lighter your crumb will be
  2. I used Heath bits o' brickle toffee bits, but I'm sure the milk chocolate ones would be good too
  3. Store in air tight container for 3-5 days
A Tipsy Giraffe https://www.atipsygiraffe.com/
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Banoffee Muffins

Banoffee Pie


As you probably know, yesterday was Pi Day. I’ll take any excuse to eat pie and it has no calories if I make it myself, right? I went with Banoffee Pie because it’s so yummy and there’s no need to fuss with any pastry if you don’t want to. Banoffee Pie is an English dessert, it’s made from bananas, toffee and fresh whipped cream. Mine also has an oreo crust and shaved chocolate because I’m a firm believer that chocolate makes almost everything better!


In case you hadn’t guessed it yet, it gets its name from smooshing banana and toffee together, like a perfect marriage that rivals even your biggest OTP!

I did make this pie on Pi day, but we had a busy day yesterday and after stuffing our face with these amazing black bean flautas (I know this is a baking blog, but you definitely need to try them they’re so good) it was 11:30pm by the time I finished baking the pie, hence why you’re getting this post a day late!


It’s been a very stressful few days for me. I’m in Atlanta right now and I was supposed to fly home to the UK on Thursday night, but I got to the airport only to be told by the checking in agent that they wouldn’t allow me to fly because my passport had been damaged! And I can tell you this now, it’s a very scary thing to be told you’re being denied permission to fly! It’s going to work out okay, I’m still in the US but I’m taking a trip to the British Embassy on Tuesday to get an emergency travel document so I can fly home without a valid passport on Thursday. It’s going to cost me a small fortune and I’m missing a Fall Out Boy concert, but that’s where pie comes in to make me feel better!


The caramel toffee in a banoffee pie is traditionally made by boiling cans of condensed milk but I have never made it that way, it’s not that hard to do but I’m too impatient to wait the few hours it takes – plus there’s also a danger the can could explode if you don’t keep it fully submerged and that sounds like something that would happen to me! I made my caramel by cooking butter, brown sugar and condensed milk until a caramel formed. I’ll be honest with you, I did over cook mine a little and so I ended up with a very hard caramel, which isn’t necessarily bad it’s just a bit hard to eat in pie form! You want to remove it from the heat once it turns thick and golden.


I used an oreo crust, which I just made by crushing whole oreos and mixing them with melted butter (you can crush them in a food processor or, if your food processor is full of spicy avocado dip like ours was, you can get your happy helper to crush them in a bag like I did, thanks Leah!). Then you press it into your pan and allow to cool and harden. You then pour in the caramel and top with a few banana slices (I like some of the banana to get all set in the set caramel yum) and put in the fridge for at least an hour, until completely cooled. Then top with more sliced bananas, whip up some cream and stir in yet more sliced bananas and spoon it over the pie, then just decorate with shaved chocolate


You can, of course, present this much more neatly. You can pipe on the whipped cream and arrange the bananas on top in pretty patterns instead of stirring them into the cream, but I like it all mixed up in the cream. And honestly, I like the messy rustic look for this pie! You obviously want to keep it chilled, just take it out of the fridge about 15 minutes before you plan to serve it. If you’ve never had banoffee before, trust me you’re gonna love it. There’s something about banana and toffee together that tastes so good, honestly toffee without banana just tastes wrong to me! It’s the perfect end to a very stressful week!

[recipe title=”Banoffee Pie”]


For the base:

  • 300g Oreos, finely crushed
  • 90g melted butter

For the toffee:

  • 100g butter
  • 100g light brown sugar
  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk (396g can)

For the topping:

  • 3 ripe bananas, sliced
  • 250ml double cream
  • Shaved chocolate


  • Grease a 22cm springform tin and line the bottom with parchment paper.
  • Mix the butter and crushed Oreos and press into the tin to make the crust. Place in the fridge while you make the toffee caramel
  • To make the toffee, melt the butter and sugar in a non stick pan over a low heat, stirring continuously.
  • Once the butter is melted and the sugar is dissolved, add the condensed milk and mix well.
  • Bring to a rapid boil, stirring constantly, until you get a thick golden caramel (about 5 mins)
  • Pour onto the Oreo base and press a few banana slices into the toffee, allow to cool, chill for at least an hour
  • Remove the pie from the tin and transfer to your serving plate
  • Place more banana slices over the top, lightly covering it
  • Whip the cream until you have stiff peaks and gently stir in the remaining sliced bananas
  • Spoon the cream over the top and sprinkle shaved chocolate over the top (you can use a grater to do this or, to get curls, run a potato peeler down the edge of a bar of chocolate)
  • Keep chilled and remove from fridge 15 minutes before serving



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